  1.  11
    Contemporary Spanish Philosophy: An Anthology.Aloysius Robert Caponigri - 1967 - Notre Dame [Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Being and value, by J. Zaragüeta y Bengoechea.--The origin of man, by X. Zubiri.--Negation, by J. Gaos.--The juridical notion of the human person and the rights of man, by L. Legaz y Lacambra.--History and truth, E. Nicol.--Vital anxiety, by J. J. López Ibor.--The moralization of power through its self--imitation, by J. L. Aranguren.--The doctor-patient relationship in the general framework of interhuman relationships, by P. Laín Entralgo.--On the singular character of the historical destiny of Europe, by L. Díez del Corral.--On taking (...)
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  2.  8
    (1 other version)Some aspects of the philosophy of Joseph de Maistre..Aloysius Robert Caponigri - 1945 - Chicago, Ill.,: Ill..
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